So, officially, WORST DAY EVER! I am really loving Facebook (and Adrienne, just consider the possibility of signing in!!!) It is like a daily (or bi-daily or poly-daily) journal-fest! Today there were two big-time markers that just captured the day, as it were. Before I share with you the big events, here's one of my FB (Facebook) comments for the first one! "Take a chill pill Sis. Relax and listen to the surf. Nothing is more important than your health." This is from my brother in the state of Washington. We grew up with different mothers in different regions of the USA and have only met ONCE in Spokane over 16 years ago. However, we have maintained sporadic contact and when our father died, he went to the Harlingen, Texas funeral and I went to the San Antonio one...So we didn't even get to hang out then! However, FB has really fueled some great communication like this one! We are fortunate at our school to have a full time clinic. This is the exception and not the rule in Duval County! Physically, I've been feeling - well, just pull something out of the air, and it's probably appropriate - so I went and had my blood pressure read....150/94! This is quite high and I can blame it on a State Visit happening in our school on September 14th and 15th. I have quite a lot to do, the equivalent of taking a can of Pledge (a big-ass can!) and polishing up the place, or at least the DATA and making sure ALL our level 1's through 3's have tested in our baseline data...NO EASY TASK, but thankfully, I had to pull my Wonder Woman underoos out of the closet and I've been wearing them...and there are phone booths nearby for the quick changes! LOL But I digress...So, you probably noticed my lovely photo for this post. I know what you're thinking...Wow! Grubbs has never looked better! HA! What does FB have to say? Lots of "Glad you and the furry friends are safe!" and then my brother's all cap rebuke, "NEVER PUT WATER ON A GREASE FIRE!" Yup! I did it! I was really craving french fries, so I turned on the burner and left the room for a very, very brief moment....Next thing you know, FIRE!!!!! Here in the South, it's 2am and I can't sleep. I spent a few hours pacing in total disbelief, spent an hour at a friend's house with some take out and FOUR wheat beers, I need to spend more time in the shower because my complexion and hands are resembling Mr. Man's more than mine, and I am STILL thinking about which kids to test at which periods tomorrow!!!!!!! The good news is today I have a heart doctor appointment! He's probably going to think I went back to smoking... ha ha..So, in an earlier post, you met Josh, my tattooed surrogate son who was in the great picture of my daughter's birthday in June (when I was absolutely rocking the cranberry color!). He wrote, "If I learned anything from my 2nd mom, it's to laugh at life." I think I'm going to frame this and make it my life verse...Matthew 21:16 reminds us that "Out of the mouths of babes....." and even though Josh is pushing 27, he remains one of MY babes with a lesson for me to learn....One of my besties at work (who I was warned NOT to befriend by the poisonous snakes at my school because I wouldn't like her) reminded me, "Work within your means and let the worrying out the door." This is VERY easy, because 1/2 of the doors are WIDE OPEN right now....So ladies, remember your buddy down here, your GRITS (Girl Raised In The South) who is taking some hits but just like the Rockem-Sockem robots, (and our cats) eventually, I always land on my feet!
OMG!....I am so relieved that YOU are ok....I think a first impulse when you see a fire is to throw water at it...Things can be replaced, you can not....What kind of kitchen damage???.... As for your bp stress....Work just isnt worth is (I don't practice what I preach!) Anytime the state visits us it's like a dog and pony show....I bring my swiffer in to dust--As if the white glove test is looming...SO silly...You always do the best you can do....We just have to let the rest of it go..Job 1 is getting you healthy....I just might consider that "new fangled" facebook SOMEDAY....Have a restful weekend my friend.
ReplyDeletewell...I moved the stove and microwave out to the back yard...it's my own version of having a grill and celebrating nature at the same time...3 of my cabinets are also in the backyard so that it's a lot easier for me to reach my condiments, etc. 3 of my rooms - the kitchen, the laundry room, and the little office room have had the power shut off (the better to NOT see you, my dear)...and every cobweb is now black for easy swiffering....today i met a former student and we walked the mall and i bought a new pair of shoes! tomorrow, i'm meeting another former student and we are walking all over St. Augustine...Today I also visited my heart doctor who confirmed my red blood cells are a little toxic and it will take a few weeks for the bad carbon monoxide to scram, bam, thank you ma'am. I also groveled - just a little and just enough - with the had snake at my job and we both agreed to start again - that's huge for me!!! so, i'm adapting and relearning that I am truly #1!!!! I have some things to anticipate like CUBA IN OCTOBER...more details on that later....I love the fact that you are sincerely concerned about me...now if we could just wipe out a certain online instructor so we could all be happy!!!! xxxooo
ReplyDeleteWow...that totally sounds like something that would happen to me! I am very absentminded and careless sometimes...although I really try not to be! I am horrible at multi-tasking! Antway, glad to hear that the situation ended in minor difficulties! You sound surprisingly upbeat about the whole situation...I'm so glad you always come out seeing the brighter side of everything. Congrats on the fressh start with the snake...I'm sure you will still watch your back though, to be sue you don't get bit? Sounds like you have a lot to look forward to! Have fun in Cuba...and stay safe and healthy...please!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCin---Your spin on a story is worth reading!...You just make me smile.....You are now my SECOND friend who started a fire of magnitude!...Years ago, my friend Irene was housesitting---started a fire in the fireplace- then proceeded to put the hot ashes in a rubbermaid container on the porch....The people she was housesitting for called her to tell her that the whole livingroom burnt down...Ultimately,she was sued...I sang the Talking Heads tune "Burning down the house" for MONTHS after the fact===Now aren't you glad that you don't have to HEAR me?!...All that really matters is that you are ok....That upcoming Cuba trip just might beat the crap out of those toxic cells!!! Woo, Hoo! CUBA!...I can't wait to hear those stories!... What brought about this awesome opportunity???
ReplyDelete(patent pending) it's time for the weekly CinSpin....I LOVE IT!!! so, i'm gonna sue myself for a whole lot of money!!! the insurance adjuster comes on thursday, so wish me luck!!! what really sucks is that the appliances were less than 2 years old and the kitchen was just given a fresh coat of butter yellow paint last month! now about Cuba..this will be my 11th or 12th trip since the late 90's....one of my little pictures at the baptism is also in Cuba..it's my little goddaughter, Hanny...basically, the episcopal church in cuba and the one in florida (north florida) have had a companionship for over 25 years and i just felt a real calling to be a part of it...that's how i met carlos of previous blog fame...you know the first of my 2 great loves??? and I AM watching the snake ever so carefully..so far, so good..but tomorrow is THE VISIT of the TALKING HEADS....they'll be here (they being the state of florida who wants to take over public education)for 2 days and as reading coach i'm supposed to have a magic wand and get things not done that no mere mortal could accomplish! so wish me luck!....and, my own 2 went to cuba with me several times as teenagers...i never felt safer than when we were there...no guns, no cars, no street lights....just an innocence circa 50's that's totally lost to us!!!!! time to work on a new blog!