September 5th was the beginning of the end for my girl. Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us that there is a season and a purpose for everything. The Byrds sang about a similar season and hinted at the "turning" and the transition to a new beginning. It was a time for "Charlotte (water) Falls" to become a reality. It didn't even matter what (or who) sent her to Seattle almost two years prior or that she was befriended by many or betrayed by a few. She had successes: an awesome career at the Humane Society, an ability to learn the bus schedules like a champion, a new alliance with a lost Uncle, a super-cute apartment decorated almost exclusively by Craig's list, some new 4-legged adopted children, and a Who's Who list of visitors who weren't saying "Wagon Ho," but "Is there wi-fi on this aircraft?"
In August it became inevitable that Char would be returning home much to the delight of her Southern friends and family and the chagrin of the fiercely protective family she created in a very short time. There were Penskes to price, boxes to buy, cards to carefully craft, and a certain one-eyed Scott to pre-ship with a friend.
September 5th, 6pm., her mom and her Uncle rounded the bend of the Cedar Terrace apartments in what could be mistaken for a Yellow Submarine. It helps to have an Uncle who obviously majored in TETRIS in high school which is the only on-the-job-training for a master packer! Who knew that one kid could accumulate 12 feet worth of "treasures" in such a short time, NOT counting what was donated or dumped! A two-bedroom apartment is surprisingly silent when stripped bare and left with some blankets, two bipeds, and four quadripeds, and a few absolute essentials for a night "roughing it" on the carpet!

September 6th came too soon for Char as she headed to breakfast with six of her closest friends. There was lots of laughter and even more tears as she thanked them for being her family. Sometimes our closest and bestest friends become those who we never really spent a lot of face-to-face time with, and clearly Charlotte MATTERED in this place.
Roy the Rancher! |
Day One was spent driving through Spokane to the picturesque town of Coeur d'Alene. It wasn't the quickest way to begin the journey, but there was an ulterior motive to this six-ish hour hop! Char's ever elusive Uncle Roy (Grubbs,) who no one had seen since Grandma June's funeral more than a few years ago, was VERY approachable about a visit! There was just one problem because he was practicing the part of a rancher for a community production of
Oklahoma, and oh yes, the Director will allow ya'll to stay for the ENTIRE dress rehearsal! So we did and pulled out at 10pm for another four-ish hours before crashing at a cheap, pet-friendly hotel! We are blessed to be a blessing folks, and just seeing Roy for such a short time, and pardon my Clint Eastwood-ism, but it really made my day!!!
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