Still at Monty's!!! after killer peel-n-eat shrimp and off-the-charts dancing music!!!!

Still at Monty's!!!  after killer peel-n-eat shrimp and off-the-charts dancing music!!!!
So Mr Man isn't the best at taking cell phone pix...this picture was taken after FOUR ATTEMPTS!!!

It's MY Turn!!!

You have lucked up and found my very first blog! This is a project for my CAGS certificate at the University of New England. I LOVE being a student which is probably why I work in the Duval County school system in North Florida! So, what about me? I teach English and Reading. I love to travel. I have visited the island of Cuba and those wonderful folks on humanitarian mission trips many times in the past twelve years. That's my passion!

I'm at a great point in my life because my two beautiful kids are now in their 20's. Somehow the parenting shifted from caregiver to counselor to confidante to colleague. Again, it's a Great Time to Be Me!!!!! So, what's with the title of my blog??? I shamelessly stole it from a LONG time ago, and I had to cyber-travel to Arizona, my birthplace, to remember. This was the name of my mom's sewing shop when I was a baby! I was already famous before the age of one!

Did I mention Mr. Man? For the past two+ years, I've been involved in a long-distance relationship. We are at opposite ends of Florida, and together we've traveled from Miami to Tallahassee to Cedar Key to Orlando to Gainesville, to St. Augustine, and everywhere in between! Oh, and I turn the Big 5-0 this year. Maybe it's not the Greatest Time!!!! (LOL)

Thanks Mr. Man!

Thanks Mr. Man!
You just gotta love a man who carries your Ann Taylor stuff!!!

Meet my Family!

Meet my Family!
Aren't we beautiful? Tim is 27 and Charlotte is 25. They are the coolest people on the planet!

24 May 2010

When "Curb Shopping" Starts Costing!

Since I teach all forms of literacy and literary strategies, you would think I would have a pretty good handle on the cause and effect strategy. I understand how to identify the "domino effects" on a page, but in real life, I obviously need to go back to school. What am I talking about? Cause - I was given a baker's rack. It was a very non-assuming little piece of furniture. It wouldn't take up much space. I would have a spot for my dishes. It seemed like a worry-free endeavor to bring a new article into the home. Worry-free, maybe...but Cost-free, NO! Effect - I have a galley-style kitchen. On one side is the living room, dining room combo and on the other is a laundry room to the left and a multi-purpose room to the right. (In the past, it has served as an office, a bedroom, and a storage area, and now,it's waiting for a facelift and a new purpose.) Nothing seemed to serve as the right venue to showcase the FREE baker's rack! Wait! There was a closet in the dining room that always served as an area for non-seasonal clothing. In Florida, the seasons aren't as defined as they used to be, so it was time to shed some of the old garments! Well, taking the door off required some spackling to repair the holes, which then required a new coat of paint, which then required some new baseboards since the closet would now be an exposed nook, which then required more new paint for the adjoining walls! Should I even share (or confess) how I then bought a new set of dishes to go with the new color sheme? The only FREE things were my former needlework pieces that, coincidentally, were of baker's racks, and I placed three on the walls in the reformed closet. Add two super-sized margarita glasses from a former Tex-Mex restaurant, and the free piece of furniture came with a price tag of over $200! I absolutely learned my lesson and I completely understand cause and effect now, but wait...My boyfriend's mom is on the phone and she found a lovely brass piece that I'm going to love. All I need to do, is.........


  1. Cindy...You and I were seperated at birth-ha!...First, I LOVE your style...The dishes look beautiful and were worth creating the aesthetic you were going for....I decorate the exact same way...I have 3 large wicker baskets under my sideboard that are busting at the seams with placemats(in an unhealthy way ;)....I am obsessed with dishes and tableware as well....I see thing things in magazines and have to recreate the look...I have a degree from House and Garden tv with all the hours I "clock" in...Like the song says "If it makes you happy, It can't be that bad"...Your efforts and money were WELL worth the result...Soooo pretty.

  2. You are very kind!!! My style is always evolving, but I got such a deal on the dishes at Belks...They were marked down from $38 a place setting to $10.50 and the little salsa bowls were next to nothing...Now I have to find some great fabric and reupholster my dining room chairs...They are going from a pale paisley to something that pops!! I'll try and send a report on the renovated brass thing that I'll be picking up this weekend!!!

  3. Great story! How could you help it though? If you're going to do it, you've got to do it right! Sounds like it looks great; don't feel so bad we're all guilty of doing things like that. And there's no such thing as "free." Ever!

  4. I'm with all of you! Since I moved into my boyfriends house almost three years ago, I took on the task of "brightening up" all the drab colors that his ex left behind...and it was a great way to make me feel like it was my home too! I picked some off the wall colors that may sound strange, but they work! In the living room we painted a "harvest moon" orange on three walls and a "fernwood" green on the fourth wall leading down the hallway. the kitchen, we just painted and re-floored this past february break. We went with a "tahitian" red on three walls and a "cashmere" brown on the fourth. I love all the colors and it really livens things up!! I dare say we would all make quite the colorful bunch if we were to get together!! Watch out!

  5. P.S. Cindy...I LOVE your daughter's name! My mother's name is Charlotte and my daughter's middle name is Charlotte!
